Hungarian builders found a 300-liter barrel of rum in a house they were renovating, and decided to--ahem--"lighten the load" before moving it.
In fact, the aged rum had such a "special taste" that they bottled some up to take home with them.
After draining the barrel, it was still surprisingly heavy, so they opened it up.
And found a nekkid and pickled corpse.
Apparently the now-deceased homeowner had her husband's body shipped from Jamaica in the barrel 20 years earlier to avoid paperwork and the high cost of an "official" return.
Anyone up for a Pina Colada?
I have a very quick gag reflex and you deffinately got me.
ewwwwwwwwww I am glad I had digested my lunch before reading this and I kinda wish I hadn't read it now. So nasty hahaha.
Thats funny. Taught those folks a lesson.....
I'm speachless
That got a huge belly laugh outta me! I'll be giggling about that all day long. Serves the thievin' jack asses right!
My TT is up now.
Ewwwwwww, I bet there'll be no drinking of the rum for those fellas for awhile huh?
Was chatting with Special K last evening and she thought I should come by here for a read. She was right once again. I enjoyed my stay!
Geeze thats disgusting! I wonder how many kept their liquor down! :-) eeewwwwww
Oh, eww! An entire pitcher of margaritas is trying to come back up now!
Oh those poor, dear, thieving, Hungarians. Im pretty sure they'll be right though, picked human is quite nutritious.
Kind of like a very large worm in the tequila bottle, eh?
omg ruth !!!!!
too funny !!!!!!!!
^5 good one.
*feverishly wipes at monitor*
Coffee won't hurt a computer, right?
Something tells me I won't want pickles anytime soon.
That is too funny!
PS, I'm a little nauseous. )-:
Wow! Rum with a twist! I wonder if we'll see THIS on CSI or Law and Order...they love that ripped from the headlines stuff.... Actually I guess alcohol would make a good preservative.... but it sure gives new meaning to the term pickled people's feet!
I wonder how many people will become abstainers after reading that!
First - how could it have taste good? "special" taste my rear! Then, what happens when you find out? I think i would have been sick or at least stick my finger sown my throat..........gag, gag
Yuck!!! eewwwwwwwwwwwww.
Looks nice! Awesome content. Good job guys.
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