Interesting incident earlier this month in Chicago.
My husband calls it "The City Where Even The Dead Still Vote".
Jackie Fegan, a supervisor with the city's Traffic Management Authority was driving through the city during the course of her duty, and was flagged down by four police officers.
Apparently a personal minivan, belonging to Officer Richard Reid, had been ticketed for parking illegally, and he wanted her to tear the ticket up.
Although Officer Reid claimed he was at the location on police business, the minivan was unmarked, didn't carry official plates, and was in fact, illegally parked.
When Fegan explained that she didn't have the authority to void the ticket, Officer Reid allegedly grew irate. She tried to cross the street, and was arrested for jaywalking. A scuffle ensued, then the 5'2 meter maid was handcuffed and thrown in a paddy wagon.
On the way to the police station, she was able to call for assistance on an emergency radio, asking to be "met by a commander and an OPS". Fegan was held for about a half hour and released without charges.
She's planning on suing the city of Chicago.
"She was the victim of a kidnapping, an aggravated battery, a brutal and a false arrest, simply because she was doing her job and would not fix a ticket for a Chicago Police officer," said her lawyer, Craig Tobin.
Officer Reid is out on medical leave, and unavailable for comment. His knees were injured in the incident.
I hope it's because she got in a few good kicks.
Can't wait to see how it all shakes out.
Source 1, Source 2
Officer Reid may have indeed been on official business if the incident occurred near a Dunkin' Donuts.
HA! I had a smart remark about what Officer Reid might be needing but admiral pooper side-tracked me with his Dunkin'Donuts comment.
(big grin)
OK, not every cop spends their day at Dunkin Donuts, lol. But, damn they sure do like it. Anyhow, the damn cop knows darn well that she cannot void a ticket that has been issued. He can fight it in court, he might even be able to get it thrown out before going to court. But he knows, just as he cannot void an issued ticket, that she cannot void it. I am glad that she is suing, and I hope that he gets some time off (without pay) for anger management training. I guess that IL doesn't have license plates for their Police unions. Here in MD they have them. Our vehicle has one, and within reason we are left alone if the meter should run out a few minutes before we get back to the vehicle. However, we don't take advantage and purposely park illegally, nor would we argue a ticket if someone were to decide that we deserved a ticket. If my SO should be using the vehicle for official business, he knows that he might need to go to court, with logs to prove it was official business (like running a red light that has a camera). Idiots like Reid gives cops a bad name. He truly is a pig.
Cops can be the worst. My cousin is a police officer and apparently there is some sort of 'code' to show your badge when you get pulled over off duty so you get out of your ticket free. He was pulled over and did the badge trick and got the ticket anyway. He then got an assaulting a police officer charge because he got out of the car and 'accidentally' hit the other officer with his car door. The other officer then pushed him. The charges were ultimately dropped, but it sounded like one hell of a pissing contest.
I used to date a cop (thats where I get my love for gooy pastry). All of them aren't jerks like this. Just some of them. Unfortunately, they spoil it for everyone else.
Aaw, did the tiny little girl hurt poor Officer Reid. Well, good for her!
I used to have a lot of respect for the police, that is until I was bundled into the back of a police van with a gang of drunken yobs. Believe me it was one of the most scary moments in my life. My crime? I just happened to be walking down the wrong street at the wrong time, I got tangled up in the 'raid', and they didn't listen to me when I pleaded innocence. They realised their mistake as soon as the duty sergent took my details and realilsed that I was not drunk, but not until I had endured a lengthy journey locked in the back of the van with several drunk men with one thing on their minds. The policemen in the front were laughing at my pleas for help. I didn't get so much as an apology.
That's outrageous!He wants
special treatment who does
he think he is?
this is just typical behavior....
it gives the good cops a bad name :(
St Jude - that is unbelievable. They could have at least extended an apology. The asses.
Drknow, here in MD there is a power play between the local (county) and state Police. If you get pulled over, and flash a badge from another agency, you'll probably be laughed at.
Where I used to live, they had cards. They would simply hand a card to the officer, along with their license and registration. If the officer making the stop was in a bad mood he suddenly "doesn't play the card game".
Some (thankfully, not many) officers are on serious power trips.
OMG! I hope that if she got some kicks in it was not júst his knees that got hurt!
Good for her.
You've got to stand up to that kind of imtimidation - letting the press know all about it is a good start.
Ugh, medical leave my ass! That officer should not be paid by the city after pulling a stunt like that. Makes me scared to think about what else he's done to other women. :(
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