Monday, November 09, 2009

Day 17

Yesterday was a good day. I let Hubby sleep in and went into the city early myself. Poor man, he's so tired too, and he's been such a rock for me.

When I got there, I bent over Big Kid and did our "thing". I haven't done it since I wrote about it earlier, because it's powerful, and I don't want to waste it.


If he hadn't been restrained, he would have shot right up. He had my hand in a kung-fu grip and struggled to sit. Whoa!

His nurse came in, and rushed to adjust his sedation.

"Lay back, Honey, " I said. "Do you know where you are?" He nodded his head.

"Do you know who I am?" He nodded his head, and tried to form a word around the tubes.

It looked like he said Mommy. Maybe that's just wishful thinking on my part. He finally gave me my thumb back and he slipped off to sleep.

His feet and legs are in constant motion, like he's slowly riding a bicycle. One knee comes up and down. Then the other. He has those pressure thingys on his calves to keep him from getting blood clots in his legs and he rubs them together like he's trying to get them off. As long as he isn't panicking, they're not too worried about the movement. It's helping his circulation.

My mom brought Little Guy to the hospital late in the afternoon so I could take him home with me. Hubby had just gotten there to take a shift with Big Kid. Since it was Sunday, there were very few people in this wing, and we decided to take a chance and let him see his brother. He's been obsessing on it terribly, and we've been worried that maybe his imagination has gotten the better of him.

So we did everything but wrap him in Saran Wrap, and whisked him up to the ICU. We showed him the tubes and the IVs and explained what each was doing. He held Big Kid's hand and talked to him in his Marge Simpson voice. Then I rushed him home and practically hosed him down. ;-)

There's been no changes on his x-ray, and he's holding at 45% oxygen on the bi-level vent. They've been able to wean off some of the pressure needed to keep his lower lungs open. Baby steps.

When he grabbed me, his grip was strong. Really strong. That more than anything has given me hope today---hope that he can beat this.


Star said...

All good news. I check in every day even if I don't comment. It's hard to fathom that this has lasted 17 days. Somehow I think Big Kid knows you have been there for every one of them.

yorksnbeans said...

Sounds very positive! :-)

Anonymous said...

Baby steps lead to larger steps, which in turn lead to even LARGER steps, until baby can't walk like an adult again . . .

AmyK said...

This is so good to hear. Like you said, Baby Steps. One good day after another will get him well. This has got to be so hard on your own health. I pray you and Dad stay well too.

Willoughby said...

Every baby step is a step in the right direction. I'm sure the visit from Little Guy was comforting to him, too. All the love and support from his family can only make him stronger.


Beth said...

The love & support of family, mother love, powerful rituals, a determined young man, baby steps – an inspiring and encouraging combination.

litzi said...

The strength, determination and love generating from The Attila Clan will prove to be as powerful as all the medicine and modern technology in eventually getting Big Kid back on his feet. The baby steps and idling in place are frustrating and make the days elapse slowly for everyone but no major setbacks in his condition is a blessing…

The autumn of 2009 is something the Attila’s will never forget.


Formerly known as Frau said...

Continued prayers my friend! Hugs and love to big kid and you and family.

Unknown said...

oh how that grip must have have clutched your heart too. Keep that thought....

stinkypaw said...

Of course he can beat this, especially with you by his side! Hold on tight! *hugs*

Chicago Mom said...

Sounds good! So glad his brother could visit him, I'm sure it raised both their spirits. Hugs & prayers sent to you daily!

ParkerMama said...

Hope. Such a beautiful thing. I hope you receive many, many, many more reasons to have hope.

Joanna Jenkins said...

Hey Attila, This sounds like good progress! Glad hubby is getting some rest and so glad the Little Guy got to see his big brother. I bet that made both of them feel really good. Seventeen days must seem like an eternity but you are doing a GREAT JOB. Hang in there one and all, we're cheering you on!

amy said...

My heart is exploding for you. I have high hopes he's going to pull through this soon!! Tears of support and happiness for you and Big Kid.

elvira pajarola said...

Even so far away...we all of us think of you and your SON and wish him every day a stronger and better day to follow!!!
All the best wishes to recover soon and well!

Anonymous said...

That grip is encouraging! Glad Little Kid got to go see his brother. Peace of mind for both of them I bet.

Hilary said...

Baby steps will become stronger and quicker every day. Keep strong. I'll keep sending warm, healing thoughts.

Boozy Tooth said...

I've heard it's very common for patients on ventilators to be agitated by them. It must be an uncomfortable sensation. When they are sedated and don't feel it, no problem. But as they return to consciousness it can be very frightening. I hope he has an easier time of it and can be taken off the vent soon. Wishful thinking, yes, but all things are possible. So very happy he's responding well to treatment!

Still here. Still praying.

Chris H said...

AWESOME, he is winning!

cloudy said...

I am betting he did say "Mommy". He is your baby. That strong grip must have felt so encouraging.

Lori said...

I'm glad that the brothers got to see each other even if it was for a short time. Hearing about his strong grip is great and encouraging. Baby steps are good. Hope you are able to rest. XXOO

Mari said...

I'm here from Joanna Jenkins blog, where she gives us frequent updates and prayer requests. There are people from all over praying for all of you! The strong grip is a great sign!

Michelle Flaherty said...

Good news makes me smile! xo

Hang in there!

noexcuses said...

Baby steps are still steps moving forward. You have incredible strength and courage. Joanna sent me over and I am happy to pray for everyone in the family. The grip from your son sounds so encouraging. God Bless you!

Liz at Noexcuses

Tracie Nall said...

It is so good to hear that he is definitely aware you are there and who you are!

We will keep praying for more healing and good news! Thanks for taking the time to keep all of us updated!

OHN said...

I just went back and read all your posts (I came here from another blogger that linked to your story) and wanted to send you a virtual hug. I have boys too. Your story scares the hell out of me, and I can only imagine how exhausted you must be....mentally and physically.

I will be thinking about you :)

Kathy said...

This is my first visit to your blog. I will be sending you every positive thought I can muster and wishing you all the best.

Jeanie said...

You sound at least a bit calmer...I hope that is really the case. Still sharing all possible hopes and positive thoughts with you.

Kim Wombles said...

May tomorrow bring more baby steps. Hugs and best wishes as you move through each day.

AmyMcD said...

lots of prayers and slient blublublublubas for you!!!! hehe don't know how much you get to check out your list of blogs but today Ashley's mom posted that she and Ashley are both sick with h1n1. I think they are both at home and on tammyflu,which is a wonderdrug!!!


Rowe said...

Hi, just over from Joanna's Fifty Factor. Hoping your son makes a full recovery soon, and that you and your family remain strong through this difficult time.

LadyFi said...

Stay strong and hold onto hope.

My warmest thoughts are with you.

diane said...

This is so hard for me to read, my heart is breaking. Baby steps are good. You are a soldier, so is your husband. Your son could do a lot worse as far as parents are concerned.

Traci said...

I came over via Joanna's Fifty Factor. Your Big Kid is in my prayers as you all are. I wish him a quick and full recovery.

God Bless.