In the last couple of months I've written a bit about my oldest son and his struggle with his medications (and subsequent breakdown) this last semester at college.
I'm really happy and relieved to report that he's doing much better. He's been taking classes at a local college a couple of times a week this summer semester to make up for some of the credits he lost and is doing quite well.
He's decided that he doesn't want to go away next year. He wants to stay home (probably so he can have his own personal butt-inspector who will make him strawberry shortcake and hot wings), and commute to the local college from here.
There's only one problem.
Number One Son doesn't drive.
And when I say "local college", I don't mean it's actually here in town. We live in the mountains and the college is down in the city.
I've been driving him down two days a week because it's summer, and I don't have to work around Little Guy's school schedule.
There is no transit system (not even a Greyhound) between the mountains and the city. There is no formal car-pool network either.
We have him signed up for an intensive one-on-one driving course, but it doesn't start until the end of August, so it will be at least October before he can try for his license.
Sooooo....guess what?
I'm going back to college!
Yep! I've applied, and am meeting with my faculty advisor this afternoon before registration.
I always wanted to go back to school to get a Paralegal Certificate, but marriage, babies, working and life just got in the way over the years.
I've been looking at Number One's books and assignments and telling myself, "I could do this. I could do this."
Suddenly I wondered..."why am I NOT doing this?"
Hubby is supportive. I thought Number One would feel squicky about it, but he's thrilled. It turns out that we have a few required classes in common, and I figured we could take them back to back (he could take one semester and I'd take the next so we wouldn't have to buy new books).
Nope. He actually wants to take them together.
After the first buzz of motherly elation, a thought occurred to me.
I bet he thinks he can copy my homework.
If so, he better think again. Hmph.
Wish me luck!
You know I am absolutely thrilled for you.
Go get 'em!
ATTILA! This is GREAT. You'll be fabulous dahhhhling.
Have a beer on me.
WOOOOWWWWWW!!!!! That is absolutelty AWESOME!!!!! Way to GO!!!
It's just like a great Mom to make lemonade out of lemons.
Day-am! That is awesome all around! The he isn't completely mortified is a testament to your coolness, and friendship. Amazing. And amazing for you personally to go back and do something you always wanted. A very inspiring post.
Woohooo! Congrates on your decision to go to college! That is great!
Excellent! I think you'll love it. I went back to school when I was 29. It was great. I had the best experience. Now I'm THREE WEEKS away from having my MBA.
You'll love it--and you'll be great.
Congratulations and best of luck! It's amazing how sometimes the solution to a problem is so very much more than that.
(and don't YOU think of copying HIS homework either ;-))
Good on you...
How terribly exciting...
Just behave during Frosh Week...
Good for you.
I'm just finishing my first year at the age of 26 and it's one of the best decisions I ever made.
You can do it! And have a youngster's perspective to fall back on occasionally. Have fun!
WOW!!!!!! Holy shit! (Can I say 'shit' here?) Congratulations, you rock, yabba dabba hey, et cetera!!! Holy smokes, man!
I am so rooting for you. :)
Good luck!
Thats really cool. Whatcha going to study eventually?
Glad to here your son is doing well. When's the next butt inspection?
new to your blog...
good luck... my parents teach at smaller schools, and they LOVE their "returning adult" students...
you have the right attitude..
get to know your profs... ignore the kids in class...
good luck & congratulations (especially for finding a husband who supports you)
Wow Attila that's GREAT!!!! Woohoo and everything everyone else has said!
Good luck! Take my word for it -- being an "older" student rocks! Once you have birthed a child you have the courage and pain tolerance to survive ANYTHING a college professor throws at you! Have fun being the smart one in class!
AWESOME! I bet you'll just love it!
You don't need luck, because you'll do great. You are one of the brightest people I know. I think it's awesome, and obviously your family is proud of you too, so there you have it :-).
Good for you!!!!! :)
I'm sure you will do wonderfully well!
This is so great!!!!
how fun...good luck indeed.
--RC of strangeculture.blogspot.com
Good for you!!! I have been contemplating taking up some course or study as well. Once I find the perfect one and some time I will.
Yeah!!! Rah rah!!! Hip hip hooray!!! Good for you.
OMG, good luck!! I'm so happy for you!
wow..congratulations on taking the plunge to go back to school !!! you will be awesome and put some of those professors in their places!!!
I don't think I would want to be one of those teachers that thinks they know it all with you in the class boy.lol..
I think your son deffinately was thinking homework would be a breeze with you both in same class at same time...good thing you saw that comming ...ha...
My hubby went back to college when the boys were 1 and 3 years old. He retrained and has a really good job now.
way to go !!! hope you will still have time for your blog cause you will have great stories I am sure.
EXCELLENT! This is great news. Go get 'em tiger.
Yay for you! I'm sure your profs will love your sense of humor when they read your essay assignments. And I'm guessing your son wouldn't dare to even think about copying your essays!
Hey, get you... congratulations, not only on your return to learning, but on how well number one son is doing, and the fact that you are obviously a number one mum :0)
You go girl! If he starts copying, you can punish him in infinite ways that the college can't....
Wow! I wish you all the best Atilla. It will be interesting how going to school with your son unfolds...who knows it might be the best thing for the both of you.
You'll be teaching your professors after the first day. Good for you! I'm excited for you.
Thank you all for your wonderfully supportive comments!
I'm really excited!
Especially since so much can be turned into blog-fodder. ;-)
You're the best!
a) you're going to be astounded and unnerved by the sheer genius of some of today's college-aged kiddos, and the utter IGNORAMOUSNESS of some other, less-genius, types. yes. I probably made that word up. whatever. the point is, it'll make your jaw crack as it lands on the grimy seventies tile. talk about an education.
b) yeah. he *totally* wants to copy off of you. this is your son of the butt-check we're talking about, non?
c) I think you're the best mom, evah.
What will you be studying?
Really pleased for you, I loved being student and am in danger of being an eternal student if I had the money!
Can't wait to read your campus tales :o)
Be very careful! Remember when Rodney Dangerfield went Back To School and he hired Kurt Vonnegut to write a report on Kurt Vonnegut?
You know I am rooting for ya!!
As another "non-traditional" student (at the age of 39) I can assure you it will definitely help keep you young! Although it is definitely sometimes interesting to be going to school with kids young enough to be my children!
I have absolute confidence that you will excel in your studies!!
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