Nurseries are '"encouraged to report as many incidents as possible to their local council."
To quote: This could include a child of as young as three who says "yuk" in response to being served unfamiliar foreign food.
You have GOT to be sh*tting me.
I mean it.
Ok, in the U.S. we are the kings of pork barrel spending. 200 dollar toilet seats, 50 dollar widgets, etc, etc.
I KNOW we have no room to talk, because we've spent a bazillion dollars on studies of cow farts, but by the same token, you'd think that some of our UK critics would realize that giving this council 12 million pounds a year (which roughly translates to about 24 million dollars in yankee money, but don't quote me on that) could be better spent on things like fluoridated water or orthodontia for all the good this directive has.
At the age of 3, neither of my guys would eat anything with curry in it. Did it make them prejudiced against people from India or Pakistan? Did they know where India or Pakistan is? Did they know there was such places as India or Pakistan? Doh.
Little Guy wouldn't eat anything orange, including carrots and oranges. What a pig he was, discriminating against rabbits and Floridians. He wouldn't eat cotton candy either, which clearly shows a bias against clowns.
Sometime in the past, I wrote about how in the 6th grade we did a study on Eskimos, or Inuits in North America. We were shown a standardized and locally infamous film where a father killed a caribou, cut out its eyeball and handed it to his toddler son, who took a big bite out of it. When we watched it in my class, the kid named Gregory in front of me (who weirdly enough I was thinking about around a week ago out of the blue) turned around and yarked on my pants and shoes.
Was that racist against Inuits?
In my opinion, no. If somebody handed me a plate with an eyeball on it, I'd promptly hand it back. Maybe with a little pukey added sauce on my part.
You can't account for personal taste.
My husband despises Lima beans, but he doesn't walk around damning Peruvians.
And inquiring minds want to know: People in the UK traditionally eat blood sausage, toad-in-the-hole and Spotted Dick.
If some "foreigner" turned THEIR nose up at those culinary choices, according to the National Children's Bureau, would they be accused of discriminating against AIDs victims, frogs, and men with freckles on their privates (don't EVEN want to go there!)?
Stupid. They eat stupid for breakfast.
OMG. This must mean when I cringe at the sight of a baboon picking the gnits, lice and other disgustings out of his/her fellow-baboons coat, I must be, *gasp* prejudice of baboons?! Oh how shall I ever live with myself?! ;)
Thank God I don't live in the UK 'cause I'd have to report my son for disliking Chinese food!
What is this world coming to? I thought we had more important things to worry about - like global warming, poverty, wars in the middle east, etc..
My son spent a solid 8 months not eating anything that wasn't red (I kid you not!). Does that make him a communist?
How ridiculous!
Seems to me someone has too much money in the kitty and is looking for ways to waste. I discriminate against spaghetti squash, what does that make me?
There is a serious movement in the United Kingdom to outlaw chef's knives because any knife that big doesn't need a point.
I don't like snails, but of course it is fashionable to not like the French at times.
Oh yeah, common sense flies out the window when politicians start messing with things!
Hi Attila,
Does this mean that I’m discriminating against OneEar because I abhor and refuse to eat lamb? And “French Fries” are no longer acceptable. The UK is taking the concept of trying to discourage racism to the extreme and probably creating more confusion than before they started this ludicrous program.
FUNNY, funny, funny
like most things we ignore it. a bunch of politically correct idiots
Toad in the hole? Yum!!
Spotted dick I can take or leave, as I'm not crazy about hot puddings.
Blood sausage? You mean black pudding? I tried some of that the other year and thought it was too strong tasting, with a weird texture.
Yup, I'm a racist. I'm prejudiced against my own country.
Seriously crazy! I think the world is coming to an end. I just hope they eat something other than stupid for lunch and dinner. OMG!
How are you? I hope you are happy and well! Hugs!
WHEW! For a minute I was afraid I was prejudiced against pig lips and ass but I forgot I like to eat bologna and hotdogs.
That cracks me up - as much as Al Gore telling us to "go green" at home but when he did, his electric bill went up so high that one month's bill at his house is now more than what I spend in one year.
I love politicians!
This is typical of the UK. Don't get me started on its anti-social laws. Like if your don't keep up your yard or you make noise at night you get sent to anti-social school for re-education. This is Fabianism gone wild. Orwell was right.
Something else. When I was a kid I wouldn't eat anything with tomatoes in it. Did that make me anti-Italian? My dad refused to eat steak when he was a kid. Was he a nacsent vegetarian?
A great man once said, "liberalism is a menta disease". I think was right.
Let me start again.
A great man once said and continues to say and I agree with him, "Liberalism is a mental disease".
Unbelievable....yet horribly believable!
Mine adored curry and chinese from weaning...but as they grew up in an area which is very 'white'...the first time No 2 saw someone of different extraction she said in an extraordinarily loud voice... "Mummy, Why is that man black?"
Thankfully he turned around and grinned at her...
I don't think the food has any effect on a thought's just food.
Found you via Melissa - well done on the award!
Positively thrilled to meet you. I wandered over from Green Girl's blog, and I'm glad I did.
Any posts where I can figure out the basics around here? I mean, I like your profile, but it's short on info.
That is ridiculous, but then again, what isn't these days?!
As one of my good friends is so fond of saying: Incredible!!! Three hundred and sixty-six pages...????? Yup, that's incredible!
read about this earlier. I swear the PC type crowds look under every rock to find something thats racist.
I swear none of those people on the council have kids, otehrwise they'd know kids dont always like certain foods.
It's ridiculous. We also have in Germany a lot of initiatives to prevent racism and this is OK. But some go too far: here too, the teachers have to report what the children say or do: what afraid me is that the parents can get a lot of troubles. They can for example be send to a psychologist with their child: it happened to a friend of mine. Her son is five and said that he "hates" turkish music ...
This is unbelievable...are you sure this isn't a joke? I had a friend who wouldn't eat anything that was white (no really). Does this mean she hated herself???
It's amazing what local government can waste money on! I'm guessing we Brits should take offense en masse in advance - if we served up steak and kidney pudding to any child anywhere on earth we'd learn what 'Yuck' was in 200 languages!
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