American Midol
If I'm not Happy, Nobody's Happy!
Wednesday at midnight (in any time zone) is the deadline for round one!
Send in your really really bad poetry and win fabulous prizes!
If I'm not Happy, Nobody's Happy!
Wednesday at midnight (in any time zone) is the deadline for round one!
Send in your really really bad poetry and win fabulous prizes!
Ok, maybe they're not THAT fabulous, but they're cute!
And yes, you'll have to endure a little humiliation first, but that's what you get when you're a bad poet appearing on American Midol.
For rules, deadlines and prizes, go here.
Now I'd like you to meet our judges!
Originally we had 5 lined up, but one has had to bow out due to work and family obligations. We wish her the very best and hope everything works out well!
And now without further ado (drumroll please):
And yes, you'll have to endure a little humiliation first, but that's what you get when you're a bad poet appearing on American Midol.
For rules, deadlines and prizes, go here.
Now I'd like you to meet our judges!
Originally we had 5 lined up, but one has had to bow out due to work and family obligations. We wish her the very best and hope everything works out well!
And now without further ado (drumroll please):

Annie Drogynous hails from Kazakhstan. She speaks Farsi, Tagalog, Urdu and sometimes English. Okay, she just speaks English. And she's not really
from Kazakhstan. Actually, she doesn't know where she is half the time.
But she does know that she's very honored that "Mom" asked her to help judge the American Midol contest and she wishes all participants the best of luck!
You can visit Annie in her native habitat at: It Puts the Lotion in the Basket...

My Name is Rebecca Hobbs and I live in England, in the middle bit. I like to think I am 27, but I am not.
During my school days, with my partner in criminal poetry Liz, I would write ridiculous poems. As it has turned out writing ridiculous poems has proved to be a far more useful tool in my life than ever trigonometry or learning the formation of Oxbow lakes has been, which I think is a damning indictment on the current education system.
By day I am a mild mannered freelance PR officer but by night I am a blocked writer. I have illusions of humour and was recently a finalist in a BBC Talent Search for new writers. I now have my first radio credit under my belt and the news I am to be a commissioned academy writer for the next series of a radio sketch show. I am very pleased as this time last year I was too scared to tell people I wanted to be a comedy writer in case they laughed at me (sic)
My favourite poem is Valentine by John Fuller
Stop by Backwards in High Heels and talk her into posting more hilarious greeting cards! Congrats Beki!

Ma Titwonky resides in an undisclosed location sometimes referred to as "Her Fenced In Area". She can't understand a word Shakespeare wrote, doesn't have a clue what Emily Dickinson is talking about most of the time, thinks Robert Frost is a blowhard, and barely has a workable understanding of Dr Seuss. She does, however, write really bad poetry, and once won the highly coveted Mr Scribbler's Poetry Award blog button. Ma speaks English and a highly complex form of Gibberish.
Enema Portal for Groan Ups is a must-read! Drop in for a chuckle!

Mr. Fabulous, a self-professed Renaissance Man, raconteur, and stylish man-about-town is fluent in twenty-seven languages and has the strength of ten men. He can often be found dancing the night away with several lovelies at the trendiest clubs on the eastern seaboard. He is the subject of several restraining orders and paternity suits, and he likes to juggle small children in his spare time.
Mr. Fab's blog, Pointless Drivel is aptly named. He's always good for a giggle, responds to every comment, and won't feel you up unless you give permission!
And if you're fans of the original Idol, please visit the folks at American Midol the blog---a source for news, gossip and snarky good fun. They were gracious enough to allow me to use the title for my contest name instead of ripping my arm off and beating me over the head with it for not doing a blog search first. Many thanks to them!
Thanks for the recent visit to my blog.
I couldn't stop laughing as I read your posts. You are so humourous. The 'About Me' part blows me away!
Thanks for making my day. hahaha.....
I can't wait to see the winning poem. I suck.. I tried to get some on paper, but it wasn't even American Midol worthy.
Good luck to all the others though!
Oh, is someone passing out “Midol”? Please send an entire carton to me at the following address: 2-LOW-4-WORDS. Thanks!
I sent in my entry....just don't tell anybody. LOL
never understood poetry. consequently I can't even tell the difference between good and bad poetry.
I did hear that it doesn't even have to rhyme these days...
Wow, I can't believe how much that picture really looks like me.
Silly Nikki, you already told me to go ahead and snark away!
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