I've been cheering the Future Milfs from the sidelines.
Blogging buddies Girl in Her Underwear, Mamma, Mrs. Mayhem and Oh, The Joys! have all signed up. Way to go, ladies!
While I haven't signed up to be a future Milf, I have been trying to diet sporadically.
Some days it's just too hard to concentrate on creative ways to cook carrots when all the guys are hollering for spaghetti and meatballs!
So I just try to take it one day at a time, and take dieting inspiration where I can find it.
Today is one of those days. This morning I was reading the news and came across this tasty treat:
Chilean artist Marco Evaristti presented his friends with a meal of pasta with meatballs.
He cooked it in his own body fat, which had been extracted by liposuction last year.
"The question of whether or not to eat human flesh is more important than the result," he said, explaining the point of his creation.
"You are not a cannibal if you eat art," he added.
There ain't no freaking sketties going to be served in THIS freaking house for at least a freaking month!
It will take a gallon of Lysol to scrub that image from my brain.
Now where in the hell are my carrot sticks?
Wow. That is NASTY. What was he thinking?
Thanks for the link, BTW.
oh, that is beastly!!!
How disgusting..! yugh.
But on the dieting note, I am dieting too and I found out that whole-grain pasta with turkey meatballs is supposed to be a healthy substitute, if that helps any :)
Ain't dieting a bitch?
Why can't we go to sleep one day and wake up skinny, why can't we?
OMG...I did not want to read that!!!!
**gag, cough**
Oh thank you. I don't need any more inspiration than that to stay away from the carbs. I can't even figure out how to spell the sound coming out of my mouth.
I have to admit, I'm a week or two behind everyone else. But I'm committed. I can't stand the muffin top I've got goin' on at the waist of my jean one. more. minute!
well that certainly put me off fat for a while.
gaaaahhh. yyyeeeeecccchh.
ok I read the article. He is NOT an artist. He is a sadistic nutjob who ought to be left alone in a room full of Duplos until he swears to be nice.
It takes a lot to disgust me. That did.
**gag** that is just TOO bizarre!! Why, for the love of all that is sacred and holy, would anyone do that?? Oh right...he's a nut-job!!
Guess his friends are all wussies. You invite me over, feed me and then tell me you used your body fat to fry the shit in, you have got your self a real old fashioned ass whuppin'.
I don't even want to think about what he used for the MEATBALLS!!
ARE YOU HAPPY?!!! You made me YELL and scare the shit out of my husband, innocently sitting behind me watching teevee.
I threw up a little bit in my mouth, too.
Mental floss.... who's got the mental floss?
(But hot damn, good job, dude!)
I thought I would visit your blog after you commented on mine. I never, ever expected to see "MILF" in the first sentence I read of yours! Ha ha! I think I like you already
That IS just plain disgusting! What will they come up with next! Man, just the tought of it... yuck!
All I can say is man am I ever happy I decided to read all the comments before going over to see that article...I have decided that there is no way in hell i am gonna go look at that article....lol
Attila, that's just gross. That's wrong. Wrong. Absolutely wrong.
And he called it "art?"
Well, I'm going to cook me some meatballs now.
So will they eventually become future GILFs?
HOLY DIVER! That guy is grosser then a leper eating cheese dip shirtless at a NASCAR race.
I realize I am showing my ignorance, and opening myself up to all sorts of harassment...but...what's a MILF?
I'm with Myron. I would be kickin' some serious ass and then finding myself some vegetarian friends.
Ewwwwww, that be one ex-friend real quick....
Thats just NASTY. And pretty scray he SAVED the liposuction fat he had taken out a YEAR ago....
PS I just read that article. I think if we find anyone who even TOYS with the idea of paying 4000.00 for ten human fat soaked meatballs they should have their ass kicked too.
Fish in a blender? This guy is seriously disturbed.
Hey rootietoot, no harassment from this ol' fart. I only learned a few months ago that MILF is Mother I'd Like to F... Well, now you get it, huh?
I threw up in my mouth....HOW GROSS...and did not finish reading...still...accck!
Great luck with the dieting - It's hard, but seems as tho' you have a lot of support!
That is REALLY disturbing, on many levels! I believe that calls for a WTF?! Can I just say, in response to your cookie comment on my blog.....I don't think I will EVER be able to truly quit all my junk food habits! I can only hope to TAME them somewhat! Those 100 calorie packs they sell with the different cookies make it a little easier! I think you could do the MILF thing! Of course, it sounds like you have a lot of stress in your life! That can work against you. ( It always does me!) Then again, nothing makes a life go more smoothly than being a hot beyotch! (hee-hee)
I'm going to be sick. The kids and I had spaghetti and meatballs tonight for dinner!
Ewww, ewww,,and EWWWW..I can't believe he'd do something like that to spagetti! I'm ruined for life!
Hi Attila,
After reading your post, there’s no doubt whatsoever that I’m going to remain a vegan. Marco Evaristti sounds similar to Sweeney Todd, the fictional villain/antihero who cut his victim’s throats and baked the carcasses into meat pies.
Milf! Oh! oo *blush*
That is (gag) so (gag) nasty! I would drop that friend like a hot potater.
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