My good spirits turned to shock when I read about the tragic drive-by shooting death of Denver Broncos' cornerback Darrent Williams last night.
I went to the Denver Post website to read the details. There was a place where I could post a comment. I don't normally post comments myself, but quite often I read to see what other people are thinking. This time I considered offering my condolences to the family, since the Broncos' have been my home team for the past 30-odd years.
I clicked on the link.
I was absolutely appalled by the racial filth posted there. A very talented young man with a promising future was cut down at age 24, and there were asshats dancing on his grave because of the color of his skin.
Someone at the paper got wise and took it down later.
I checked AOL News and clicked on the "Post Your Thoughts" link (those who have AOL will know what I'm talking about). It was the same there. Amongst the sincere condolences was filth. I felt like vomiting.
Where do these people come from? What rocks do they crawl out from under?
I went upstairs and woke my husband up. We watched the news together with our guys. As former Denverites, we knew exactly where the shooting took place.
A week or so ago, I read in an article that golfer Tiger Woods and his wife are expecting their first baby this summer. We're fans, and I was delighted for them. I clicked on the "Post Your Thoughts" link, and was disturbed to find much of the same garbage that I read today. Of course I filed this away in my "things to blog about in the New Year" file, and planned to write about it some time in the future.
I guess the future is today, the first day of the New Year.
How do people live full lives with such hate inside them?
How can they truly taste the wonderfulness of crisp, fresh spring air when their throats are choking on the fumes of malignance?
How can they truly marvel at the music in the laughter of children when their ears are so clogged with loathing?
How can they truly open their souls to another with love when their hearts are full of venomous tumors?
My feeling is that they can't. How sad for them.
So my wish for 2007 is that whatever Higher Power is watching over us will help us look into our own hearts and heal our hate.
Because it's a sickness. It really is.
And it's eating us from the inside out.
You are so right! What a sad life these people must lead! We moved to a small town about a year ago, and I am appalled at the racism I have seen. Can you even imagine passing down that kind of hatred to your children? Tragic! Very insightful post!
I couldn't agree more, and asshats is a very good term for them. It was a terrible tragedy, and I wonder why it didn't get as much news as Yanks pitcher, Cory Lidle did...Of course a plane crashing into a building is somewhat spectacular in itself, but still the coverage was pretty slim today.
I hope this wish comes true Atilla...
I don't understand how anyone can open there mouths and spew some of the crap that they do.
That such filth and hatred is a part of so many people is sad. And what can we do? We start with our children - teach them what is right and good. And we also let those "others" know how we feel and that their behaviour is unacceptable.
That's awful. I often wonder about the mindset of people who spend all their time writing descriminative filth all over the internet. Have they nothing better to do? What kind of hateful creature does that?
Yes. It's sad and awful and I feel sorry for anyone who lives with that kind of shit locked in their heads. At the same time, I have no time or respect for anyone who thinks like that.
This is a subject that demands volumes of discussion, and it always leaves a bad taste in my mouth. People bum me out.
I completely agree with you.
This was a very insightful post.
Yeah. There is always someone willing to dance on someone's grave. No matter what.
unfuckingbelievable all that crap you found on blogs meant for support and heartfelt wishes....sometimes I just shake my head and cannot fathom what the hell is wrong with people!!
Here's to that wish coming true \_/
Mom, thanks for posting this. A long time ago I stopped judging people because I was being judged by people close to me and it hurt like hell. I finally came to the realization that people who are judgmental and hate-filled are the unhappiest of people. Unfortunately, many people don't care enough to improve upon themselves or don't know any better and there's nothing you can do to stop it. It is also unfortunate that much of that behavior is learned and they are not thinking for themselves. I have no time for such people. We have but one life on this earth and I intend on making the most of mine and without those kinds of people in it!
I had a similar experience when I went to ABC's website for Dancing With The Stars to read about Emmitt Smith's win. I was rooting for Smith the whole way, and I was shocked and appalled to read the racial filth posted by far too many viewers of the program. We are supposed to be hi-tech and enlightened in so many ways, but in others there is still far too much ignorance.
"Where do these people come from? What rocks do they crawl out from under?"
Anywhere south of the Mason Dixon.
Thanks for posting on this. How anyone can celebrate the death of another human being because he was black is beyond me.
Let's keep on preaching intolerance of the intolerance.
Happy New Year.
That's terrible. I can't understand people like that, they are completely sick. I suppose we should pity them, because they must lead very sad lives and miss out on so much.
On a lighter note - Happy New Year!
You are so very right.
This is a very insightful post, darlin. Happy 2007 ♥
nightmare, thanks for the broad brush approach there, bud. I believe you will find these types just about everywhere. As for them being from south of the Mason-Dixon, yeah, we have some. But so does the rest of the country. And the rest of the world, actually. And all folks south of the line are definetly not racist, as much as some would like to believe that. I grew up in north Texas and was taught that it is the color of a person's heart, not their skin that counts. That it is their contribution to society that matters. That it is the way they treat their fellow human beings that is important. And I was taught that by both parents. My father believed this until his dying day even though his grandfather was in the Mississippi Cavalry. Sorry my family doesn't fit your stereotypical image.
I'm not sure I agree with the suggestion to hate all people equally regardless of skin color. What about the really bad races?
I will never understand the logic of disliking someone for the color of their skin--especially when there are so many other legitimate reasons to dislike people!
Prejudice is a nasty thing. I hope that someday mankind will be able to move past it.
Myron is right--it doesn't matter where people are from, hatred is widespread. I live in the North Eastern part of the States and our city is extremely segregated. It's weird.
It's so much easier to hate something we don't (or won't) understand. To not hate would require change, and change is only good if it's the other person changing. Here's to change!
Rootietoot...South of the Mason Dixon Line
Hard to believe there is still so much bigotry, ignorance, and hatred in the world in 2007. Unfortunately there will always be a portion of humanity that thinks it's OK to hate others for any of a number of reasons, be it their skin color, their sexual orientation, their disability, or whatever other characteristic. I think one reason that the plane crashing into a building got more coverage is that we (as a society) have become somewhat hardened to drive-by shootings and other kinds of crime that people think only happen to "those kind" of people. It's a despicable way of thinking, but sad to say it's all too common.
And like boo7 said above, I, too, sometimes cannot fathom what the hell is wrong with people who use places intended for support to spew hatred and prejudice and ignorance. It's disgraceful.
I'm still pretty shocked at the whole thing. Idiots.
Honestly, it just makes me sad. Imagine the family reading that garbage. I am sad for people who have so much hate in them. It just oozes out of them and spreads hate. I am teaching my children to not think that way.
OH my gosh! I can't believe such horrible people exist! How can that possibly be gratifying to anyone?
So you're former Denverites? Is that why you come up as Las Vegas on my site meter or is my meter just that much of a loser? :D
That was a beautiful post. Sometimes in smalltownamerica, I hear tiny little whispers of that filth trying to come out and it's just depressing
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