A long time ago, I wrote about how Big Kid used to needle the crap out of
Little Guy, and the end result was sometimes a smackdown of epic proportions.
Well I have to say (somewhat proudly) that Little Guy has finally learned
how to use his words.
A few days ago, Big Kid and Kitty were visiting. SOMEBODY (whistling, eyes
averted) let out a silent but deadly fart that would curl your hair.
The stench hit everybody at once.
Big Kid: Holy shit! Who did that? Little Guy, was that you?
Little Guy: No, that was YOU!
Big Kid: I'd know if something that nasty flew out of my butt!
Little Guy: No you wouldn't. You have brain damage. You can't remember
what you had for breakfast!
I can't stop laughing. This family is demented. Does that mean I'm going
to hell?