I was awarded 8 "Thinking Blogger Awards", and I was supposed to pass it on and award it to 5 more bloggers. Each time.
All I can say in my defense is that the last couple of months have been really busy and a bit overwhelming.

Instead of passing out more Thinking Blogger awards (along with the duty of awarding another 5 bloggers), I'm just going to spread out some Bling, in honor of the Dogg.
I've been contemplating some different Art Movements in history, and thinking about how various bloggers might fit in. So these are Attila's Artsy Fartsy Awards.

First there are the Dada-ists, who give me a view of parenting from the other half.
I love to visit Dorky Dad, Kim Ayres, Sven, Carmachu, Em and Fatman.
Next up are the Impressionists, otherwise known as the artists most likely to leave an impression of their sneakers on your heinie if you don't pull your sh*t together!

A day without snark is like a morning without high-octane java! When I need a pick-me-up, I get my fix from:
Dutchy, Ma Titwonky, Phlegm Fatale, Annie Drogynous, Special K, Nightmare and the Southern Circle of Hell.

These are the activists and advocates to causes near and dear to my heart. And they're good at bitch-smacking the pointy-headed.
When I need to get in the mood to rumble, these guys help me get my Attila on:
Did I Miss Something?, Diary of a Goldfish, The Gimp Parade, Whose Planet is it Anyway?, Saving Grace, Musings of the Lame, Amy,the Angry Adoptee and The Daily Bastardette.

I wouldn't last a day without the Folk Artists.
These are the bloggers I would most like to spend a hot summer afternoon with---kicking back with a gallon of ice tea on the porch.
They're colorful, comfortable, and I'm just crazy about them! Life doesn't get any better than that!
Manda, Deb, Miss Litzi, Stinky Paw,Texas Goodies, Blogarita, Brenda and Myron.

I just love the Pop (T)Artists! They're young, they're funny, they're fresh. Visiting their blogs is like a breath of spring air.
Check out:
Samantha, Heather and Me.
Last but not least are the Expressionists.

They make me laugh, and cry and think!
If you want something to put your brain in gear, you can't miss by visiting any of these blogs:
Rootie, Beth, Sarala, Pendullum, Flamenco Mom, Kevin Charnas, Mel, Mrs. Mayhem, Mamma, Mr. Fab, Ruth Dynamite, Mary Likes Bacon! and Yerdoingitwrong!
Hope everyone has a wonderful day!
The above tole art plate is a design of Rosemary West and can be found here.
Hi Attila,
Thanks! I’m truly honored to receive an Attila’s Artsy Fartsy” Award from the reigning Queen of the Blogs! It would be a real treat to kick back and have some ice tea with you, though could we change that to a half-gallon of ice cream and two spoons?? Aaaah!
This is another masterpiece post. You’re the Rembrandt of cyberspace!
Awwww, thanks hon!
You make such a fabulous pimp...
As an Expressionist member of Attila's Artsy Fartsy Awards, my humble thanks and appreciation.
Thanks for the toot!
Awww, thank you ATM, I've never been called a Folk Artist before and it's real kind of you to think of me that way.
Do you take your gallon of tea with sugah, or without?
Thanks for the award. I'm honored, but I have to say...I may be artsy, but it's definitely Spouse Guy who's fartsy.
Thanks!!!! I feel so very honored that you would love to spend an afternoon with me cause I think you totally rock!!
Thank you, girlie!!! =)
Thanks for the award, ATM! I'm so flattered; it's a great feeling to get props from one of my favorite bloggers!
I'm honored to be included with such an impressive array of excellent bloggers! Thanks!
Now about that tea...depending on the time of day and the heat in Texas, you might want to join me for a 'Rita! I'm buying! We'll start with the Rita and then split an order of fajitas! TexMex at its finest. Making myself hungry just thinking about it!
Take care...
Thanks Mom!!!!
Now I need to add about 20 more blogs to my google reader.
Wow- I'm in such good company! Thanks!
I didn't know I made anyone think...
HOLY CRAP!! You put me on the list of uplifting! I thought I wouldn't rank above "Hate Mail"!! Thanks ATM!
Never feel like you have to pass on awards.....take it at your own pace!
Hey, its an honor to be included in such an exclusive club.
Holy crap. Somebody thinks I'm better than spam. And I'm colorful. Wait 'til I tell Mrs Myron that. She'll say "no, you're not. You're just a cantakerous ol' fart." Thanks, kiddo. You can share my porch and ice tea anytime. And if you catch me in the right mood, there may even be some good ol' Texas barbecue and tater salad included.
Thank you for the honour of including me :)
You should rearrange your blog list on your sidebar into these sections.
I've just done something similar, but divided everyone up into the kinds of drink I need to have to place myself on the most comfortable wavelength with them
That's great of you to say. I never thought I would win an artsy fartsy award! I'm overcome :)
Aw shucks - you like my snark? You really like it? COOL! Love ya back!
Thanks for the shout out, Mom! As always, you rock!
Thanks much... I'll proudly tell all who ask that I am now officially artsy fartsy!
Thanks! I have just the place to put it...
Thank you sooooo much!
You may be familiar with my motto:
"Let a smirk be your umbrella"
I hate to admit this, but I want that bling mouse.
I'd weat it around my neck.
An expressionist? I love it! Thank you and right back atcha. You always make me laugh out loud, recoil in fear or disgust, sob uncontrollably, or just sit there silently nodding. (Talk about expressions!)
A folk artist? Now theres something I've never been called! Thanks ATM for including me in your shout outs.
YOU!!! So deserve this award...
I'm so very honoured...Thank you for thinking of me...
What a great way of presenting these awards...
I am off to read some of the bloggers I am not familiar with...
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