21-year-old Ryan Lambourn of Sydney, Australia was only known online by his screen name PiGPEN.
Until he created an online game based on the Virginia Tech Massacre, called "V-Tech Rampage".
In response to complaints, he posted demands for "donations" of up to $3,000 to take it down.
Some "pesky kids" managed to get his name and phone number off of his server, and posted it all over the blogosphere.
Lambourn's website has been taken down and his phone has been disconnected.
Guess it's not so funny when you're not anonymous, is it, Asshat?
While folks sangging your name and address of the net mostly isnt cool....
That just friggin rocks! Guess that little extortion racket backfired big time....
Good!! The little weasel!!! How horrible and cruel. I hope his parents did their job and grounded him till he's 50!
Golly! I'm amazed what people manage to think up. I'm even more amazed that they don't just leave them inside their heads rather than acting upon them.
This is the best news I heard all night. Bout time these creeps were stopped in their track. It is always about moneys, trying to get money not matter who get who get hurt or the pain it stirs up. It is just a matter of time before another one pops up, but one creeps at a time.....
ugh. What a humongous jackass!!
Nothing better than a little citizen justice every once in a while.
People will always try and make money, no matter who gets hurt on the way. A thousand STDs upon him!
Ugh. Good for those kids humiliating him like that. It blows my mind how obnoxious humans can be.
only in Australia, (snorts) that's coming from a yank in Australia who always has to hear... (snorts) only in america when something happens...
I don't even know what to say to this. Some people are really stupid. Thank goodness we have others in this world who expose those stupid asshats for who they really are.
This sooo annoys me! Irks, infuriates and totally pisses me off!!!!
Stupid asshat!
Vigilante justice is coming.
Nothing more needs to be said.
They may have disconnected the phone, but as far as I'm aware their house hasn't moved. Maybe drop him a letter to let him know what you think:
Ryan Lambourn
8 Barossa Cl
St Clair NSW 2759
i lost a friend in that shooting you ashole. i hope you burn in hell you creep. if i ever see you i will kill you then post a game online about it. very classy you jerk
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