This weeks award goes to Danny Vu!
One morning Danny-boy woke up and realized that the paint in his living room looked tired. His curtains were tacky. The grout in the bathroom needed refurbishing. Maybe some new carpet wouldn't hurt.
Home improvements add up. Wherever could he get the dough?
When he heard that a client in his nail salon was looking to adopt, he offered her his 18-month old daughter for $7,000.
Thankfully the couple wasn't so infected with Baby-Rabies that they forgot to do the right thing (ala the Internet Twins couple who bought the babies and fled the country).
When Vu refused to go through the legal process via attorneys and just wanted cash on the barrel, they notified authorities.
Vu was apprehended on his way to deliver the "merchandise".
Well now it's curtains for you, Bucko!
You Asshat.
Previous Asshats:
April 10th's Asshat
March 28th's Asshat
He would have been better served if he had opened up a day care and started a child sweat shop. Geez where do these people come from?
Bloody hell!
Both articles you linked to were disgusting and disturbing beyond belief.
Freaking asshats. I am super sensitive about the subject today but even if I weren't this would still be totally over the top.
What an unbelievealbe SOB!
Fucking hell! And the saddest part is that the little girl gets placed in foster care instead of with a family that really wants to adopt and care for her. WTF??
I don't blame people who take tons of cash and buy their babies overseas - that way you don't have a junkie showing up on your doorstep with an attorney saying you stole their little crack baby.
It's heartbreaking, and I'm not just talking about the Asshat.
My Father in Law was 'adopted' eighty years ago. Ok things were a little different, his new parents turned up at the orphanage one day looked around the children on offer. They selected him and paid a 'contribution' to the orphanage fund. They then walked out with him. He always said that he was cared for, but there was no love. So why did they adopt? He was an accessory, they were expected to have a child.
Has society really moved on in the last eighty years!
Introducing the vile and repugnant Danny Vu, recent winner of the national dumbass award!
May you dine on a large meal of asscake.
Danny vu better wake up and smell the coffee,what an ass.
I LOVE your "Asshats". Priceless. I am coming back:)
That is so sad.
That guy needs several swift kicks in the ass to go with his asshat!
Keep busting those Asshats, Attila!
well - hmmmph! I was looking forward to something amusing. Thanks for stopping by mine T13 though - you are always welcome!
And then we have those monsters who sell the same baby over and over.
Thanks for your comment on isamericaburning.
I picked up the link from a gay online man in San Francisco who, with his partner, has adopted a baby boy. I wonder and so does he what would have happened to him in that town. I wanted to get the word out without involving him unless he wants to be.
Come back anytime. I like your blog.
WHERE ON EARTH DO YOU FIND THIS STUFF? It's hilarous! I was thinking our playroom needed painting this summer and I really want to do it in Disney Tinkerbell green....hmmmm, now how do I come up with the $80 I need for that project? Why, I will sell a child! I'm Brilliant!
Reading this almost makes me want to come up with the money just to rescue the chld from this Asshat. He can be much of a father.
He didn't want to involve attorneys? That is disgusting.
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