I didn't know whether to file this under "Did You Eat a Steaming Bowl of Stupid for Breakfast?" or "Asshat of the Week" or "Parents Behaving Badly". It's so nasty that it seems to encompass all three.
So I'm going to call it Stupid Asshat Parent Behaving Badly. Really really badly.
Julie Figueroa was recently convicted of forcing her 12-year-old son and 13-year-old daughter to take explicit nude photos of herself so she could put them on the internet to meet men. Some of the pictures were taken with her son's cell phone camera, and he took it to school and shared the photos with his friends. [eww. ewwwwww]
The kids are now in the custody of their father.
Figueroa apparently didn't comprehend the potential damage to her children or the level of inappropriateness involved in this crime. She came to her sentencing wearing a pair of tight jeans that had "Booty" on one butt cheek and "Licious" on the other---emblazoned in rhinestones.
I'm sure that wasn't lost on the judge.
She was sentenced to 9 to 48 months in prison. As she was handcuffed and let from the courtroom, her 20-year-old daughter went into a rant.
"This isn't fair!" she screamed.
I agree.
No child should be forced to take beaver shots of Mommy.
What in the hell is wrong with people?
Gross... That's wrong on so many levels. Maybe I should stop forcing the cats take "art" photos of me??
"Figueroa pleaded guilty on Oct. 17. At that hearing the elder daughter did not provide her name, but told Baratta her mother had "mental disabilities."
I agree with the daughter. Her mother is a frickin' nut case.
"Mental disabilities" - big time. Those poor kids.
Stuff like this makes my parental failings seem miniscule. (Not that I have many...!!)
Do not want to think of such things...
Happy Christmas!
Hope you have a great holiday season...
Hope that your New Year is filled with much love and good health and good marks! and endless coupons...
x Pendullum
"Beaver shots of mommy"...it would be funny if it weren't so sad.
We had a stupid parent story in the news here recently where mommy and daddy thought it would be ok to lock baby in the car while they went Christmas shopping at the mall.
**shaking my head**
Yes its not fair we let these folks bred without a license....
When I heard of the outfit she wore to court....I KNEW she wouldnt get it.
And the world is full of stupid people...
That's so very very wrong. What kind of mother does that?
yikes! That's disgusting!
I think it's pretty sick anyhow, but if you are THAT desperate, then get the 20 year old FEMALE to do it for you, not the pre-pubescent male, ewwwwwwwww is right.
good grief....that's unbelievable!! There really are instances when there should be a license required to take on the job of parenting....this is one of those!!
Stuipid people shouldn't breed.... this lady broke the fundamental rule of life... breeding.....
yuck yuck yuck!!! By the sounds of it she got off pretty lightly as far as a sentence goes...
omg, i think i'm traumatized by reading this... i can't imagine a mother not acting like a mother.
now, i must go tell my mom i love her...
Eeeek. Gross.
What the heck??
theres so many problems with this story i dont know where to start ... so I wont lol
Boy she got off with a light sentence! Those poor kids!
I hope I can live up to those kinds of standards someday.
Oy, I'm kidding, I'm kidding!!
Yuck? Really? Have any of you actuall seen the photos? I haven't, but I wouldn't mind!
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