Some people don't have enough to complain about until nekkid ice fishing season starts.
How about trashing all the popular media crap we so love to hate?
The Sunday Trumpet took the summer off, but now we're ready to load up on fiber and let fly for a new season!
You game?
Here are the rules:
Anyone can join, as long as they follow the rules (or else it would be anarchy, I tell you! Anarchy!)
The Rules:
1. Sign up in the comments section on this entry.
2. Everyone who signs up will be given a date (a Sunday) to supply a review. First come first served. The date for the first review is October 15.
3. It has to be a review of a movie, a book or a television show you absolutely despised.
4. It has to be popular media---nothing really obscure, preferably within the last 5 years, exceptional exceptions accepted. ;-)
5. On Sundays, when the new review comes out, everyone on the list MUST write an entry on their own blogs with the logo (you can copy it from here) and pimp the reviewer's blog. You can write comments about what you thought of it, etc, on your entry if you choose.
It's completely reciprocal. If you don't mention the review/reviewer on your blog on Sundays (give or take a day to accomodate time zones), don't be miffed if your review doesn't get pimped.
Don't be shy! We'd love to have you join us!
This is how it all got started. And this is the review that inspired this whole mess, written by our beloved pal Admiral Pooper.
You can see last season's Gasbag Reviews here.
Let's get gassy!
I'm in! Just remember I'll be out of town the week of the 18th. (Going to London!)
Oh, you KNOW I want in on this one!
I am in!
I'm down. First timer, but what the hell.
Bring it on!
i would love to be in :]
Ok I'm in again. I love this game!!
I'm in!
Me too! Me too! This is my kinda stuff! :)
I think this is a great way get a community ready for a lynching. Well done. I also would like to sign uo. But I do have a suggestion. Why only 1 a week? Most bloggers are 'everyday' bloggers and I think for you 'type' of reviewer it shouldn't just follow in the line of the entertainment section on Sundays. Make it twice a week. Soon, you might have a list of 20-30 people wanting to join up, but that would take them 6 months before they get to write. But this is your horse, I don't mean to water it.
Hi Omninaif!
Thanks for joining!
If we had 20-30 people sign up, we'd most likely go to 2 a week. As it is, we only have enough joiners to last us a few months!
Great idea though! Maybe it will catch on!
No, thats cool. For now at least. Reminders! Reminders! Reminders!
OK then let me know
I'm in. This should be easy, since I hate everything.
I'd love to join in the fun, I've always got a hare across my ass...being a bunny and all
Anyone know Tom's url? Can't link to it if I can't find him, and his profile is private. :(
Bizarre. I read his blog a few days ago. Maybe he'll come back and check in!
Revised Gasbaggery Schedule:
Marymurtz---October 15
Jod{i}---October 22
Jen---October 29
Miss Keeks---November 5 (trust you'll be recovered by then)
Sven---November 12
Heather---November 19
Nightmare---November 26
Tera---December 3
Attila---December 10
Ma Titwonky---December 17
Omninaif---December 24
Lord Matt---January 7
Dorky Dad---January 14
Tom---January 21
St. Jude---January 28
Kate---February 4th
Now if we get 5 or 6 more joiners, maybe we SHOULD double up.
Is it too late to join?
I'd love to sit with the cool kids in the back of the bus!!
Of course! The more the merrier! Thanks for joining!
New schedule:
Tom---January 21
St. Jude---January 28
Kate---February 4th
Mamma---February 11th
well figure me for a looser! Not only have I forgotten every sunday between then and now but I missed my own slot. I blame um... erm... me I guess.
I'll do anything for a good fart logo....
Tomorrow though.
Newest schedule:
Tom---January 21
St. Jude---January 28
Kate---February 4th
Mamma---February 11th
Nightmare---February 18th
I'm in. I'm quickly falling in love with this blog.
okay. I'm in. Add me to the list.
Woohoo! Thanks, guys!
New updated schedule:
Tom---January 21
St. Jude---January 28
Kate---February 4th
Mamma---February 11th
Nightmare---February 18th
Ben---February 25
Krishanna---March 4
Just so we're clear:
"It has to be a review of a movie, a book or a television show you absolutely despised."
From start to finish? Or can it be something that started well, and then took an absolute nosedive off a cliff?
"It has to be popular media---nothing really obscure, preferably within the last 5 years, exceptional exceptions accepted. ;-)"
What about too recent? For example, I saw the Messengers this weekend and wanted to puke. Should it have some time to circulate, or are new releases allowed?
So on every sunday, i read the review, then pimp the writer on my site, and include the previous gasbag entries and sign up info. And I my sunday, I write a review, and post the prev/sign up stuff. Correct?
And what ever happened to Admiral Pooper?
Ben, Ben, Ben....LOL! You're cracking me up. OCD and ADHD runs in our family and...look a butterfly!
Just kidding.
Nothing is too soon. It's ok if it starts up good and takes a nosedive. This is YOUR review! It's your turn for a smackdown!
The 5-year rule is imposed so that somebody won't choose some weird obscure episode of CHIPs or BJ and the Bear that they saw on cable reruns to review. ;-)
Then again, if you wanted to do a retrospective on say, The Brady Bunch and how the whole show sucked, that would be considered an "exceptional exception".
"So on every sunday, i read the review, then pimp the writer on my site, and include the previous gasbag entries and sign up info. And I my sunday, I write a review, and post the prev/sign up stuff." Correct?
You got it!
Our good friend Admiral Pooper/Charlie Callahan suffers from the later stages of a degenerative lung disease.
Last summer he decided he couldn't keep up with his blog and decided to retire it. In my opinion, he made a bad decision to delete the whole thing---there was some priceless stuff in there.
Several of us gasbaggers are still in contact with him. If you'd like to send him an email (and I'm sure he'd love to hear from you---his initial Nora Roberts review is absolute genius, in my opinion), email me and I'll send you his email addy.
That goes for anyone else who'd like to contact The Pooper!
Man, I really wanna do this now. My hatred for a certain book is beginning to burn inside :D
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