Hope you guys had a good week! Just wanted to catch up on a couple of things...
First of all, I'm totally bipping out on the search for millionaire/billionaire---oh hell, rich guy Steve Fosset who recently disappeared flying a plane belonging to Grandaddy Hilton.
Apparently, in the search for the mega-rich guy, rescue teams have found 6 other undiscovered plane wrecks, which they examined briefly and marked (no bodies, but you wouldn't expect it in coyote country) to come back to.
I'm just wondering about the families of the passengers in those small planes...all these years, no word, and then suddenly the crash their loved one was in is discovered in a search for a wealthy guy. I mean, I'm sure they'll be happy to know the fate, but how---uh---can't really find the word----sad, I guess that their loved ones disappearance didn't rate such an extensive search. If you know what I mean.
I'm feeling a little paranoid after pissing and moaning about my college class a few posts back.
I went to the class, armed with a handy, dandy recorder, and a resolve to say something if things got too off-topic.
Out of 24 students, 10 were gone. The drop date is in a few days, so who knows?
The professor told us flat out what material in our hand-outs and book would be covered in our exam, so we would know what to take notes on. Then he apologized for any digressions off-topic and said that he thought the material we need to cover in the class is dry (and pretty limited---could be combined with another course easily) and he was trying to liven things up to make it less boring.
Ms. Big Mouth moved up a row, and either shaved or waxed her back. Because she took off her blouse and was wearing a tank top. She was out of shoe-to-the-head-whacking range, and obviously eliminated the grab-a-handful-of-back-hair option.
She was also much quieter, but did quote Judge Judy a few times, which was weird.
Nobody was giving me a hairy eyeball, so I'm hoping it is all coincidence. But what if it wasn't?
Makes me feel powerful and paranoid at the same time. LOL
Wanted to share how Big Kid is doing with his new meds.
He's taking two classes. In his CSI class, (the one he started late), he got an A on his first assignment, which was an essay. In his other class, which is a Criminal Law class, he got an A on his first assignment, which was a quiz.
He got a 92%, and was bummed.
Said to me, "I know I could have done better."
Damn. Never heard that before. I'm so proud.
Did I say before that I love love LOVE his new meds?