I always thought Fred Ph*lps from the W*stboro B*ptist Ch*rch was pretty slick in the way he challenged free speech laws in order to vomit his venom across the country.
Now I'm convinced that he's actually crazier than a shithouse rat (apologies to crazy shithouse rats everywhere).
I don't want to give this hateful SOB any more time/press or thought, but after turning on the news this morning I can't stop shaking my head.
Let me get this right.
God killed those poor little Amish girls because the Governor of Pennsylvania ridiculed Ph*lps and his ch*rch of hate. Ph*lps and his evil little minions are going to picket the funerals.
Mr. "I'm-Exercising-My-Right-To-Free-Speech" doesn't believe that the rights he enjoys (and manipulates) as a citizen of this country should be extended to any other citizen.
And God will strike down innocent children to prove it. Ph*lps has gone beyond being a self-proclaimed "disciple" and is now wagging the dog. God is his personal assassin.
Methinks somebody needs to spike the water with haldol over at the compound. Or maybe give Mr. Free Speech a vacation in a nice soft hotel room with a sports coat that ties in the back.
Update: Apparently the group is not going to picket in exchange for air time on Mike Gallagher's show. One of the clan was on Hannity and Colmes the other night and here is a Partial Transcript, if you can stomach it.
I think they need to super-size that haldol order.
And P.S. Doesn't God have some kind of rule against inbreeding?
I feel compelled to borrow a line from the great Curtis Mayfield--and to make a small change:
Don't worry, if there's a hell below, Fred is gonna go.
(actual line: "don't worry, if there's a hell below, we're all gonna go--frankly, sharing space with this ass-monkey and his ilk is my idea of hell.)
I cannot wrap my brain around this freak and his opinions!!!! And that's about all I can say on the topic really....otherwise my homicidal tendencies might be unleashed...and .....well...that just would not be a good thing....just sayin'! AND roflmao on your Haldol suggestion....you in the medical profession at all????
Btw...been meaning to tell you....I LOVE your blog title and your blog name!!!
That filthy sleaze... I'd hate the guy, but I'm pretty sure he feeds on it. So instead I say, "A waste, a nothing, an insignificance leaving the surface of life unrippled."
And "God as his personal assassin" is brilliant.
There is simply too much to say about the lunacy that is Fr*d Ph*lps. A few years ago he threatened to picket the commencement ceremony at the school where I work because we have the audacity to host Gay/Strsight Alliance Group.
Hate seems wasted on him.
You know that bad things happen in the world - always has, always will. It is freaks like this that try to attribute the bad things to a cause. I am sorry that those families have to deal with that while they are burying their children.
I am absolutely sick at the thought of him coming here.
Just when I thought there was nothing worse than their protest at the funerals of our soldiers.
This makes me ill.
I do not know of this guy...
and chances are my stomach would be sickened even further if I read anything he wrote...
I am so sorry for the families of these poor girls to be subjected to someone else bandstanding and own agenda.
Never before have I felt the desire to go firebomb a church. As a Christian, I am offended beyond all reason by this mutt and his brain-dead followers.
If there's a slightly less than dim light in all this, it's that the Amish folk don't have access to mass media.
Free speech is often claimed by the most illiberal people to express their messages of hate. They never practice what they preach. However, in the case of Fred Phelps, that is probably a good thing.
Oy vey. How 'bout we just take turns drop-kicking him down a flight of steep stairs?
I agree with Pendullum....
It just appears to me that this guy uses these things in order to claim his 15 minutes of fame ..no matter at what cost to peoples feelings, ,rights or sensitivities..
I used to party with a bunch of Queer friends of mine in Topeka, and Fred's little compuond was less then 75 feet away from the lead Queens house and I had to fight the urge to torch the place every single time I was visiting.
I fucking hate that guy and I would love to watch him burn at the stake.
There are certain people whose deaths we should enjoy. FP is one of them.
FP and his ilk are going to get theirs -- the last straw will fall and someone will end his crazyness.
Oh my gawwd! Does every tragic event have to be politicized & turned into an opportunity?? Where do these people come from?
I know I shouldn't laugh, b/c the nature of the post is abhorrent, but -- jesus, man. a sport coat that ties in the back?
you slay me.
It's sad how G-d is invoked in all kinds of hideous, violence situations.
Just an update;
They are NOT coming because they were offered a one hour spot on some tv show if they didn't come. They took the offer.
But had they come let me assure you there was a gigantic amount of people here who had NO intention of letting them get within 20 miles of the school.
aaahhhh. free speech. he'll get his one day when the meek inherit the earth. no one likes a hater.
It almsot makes you wish there is a hell so he can go to it..
What a sick creep. He just gets worse and worse, and whats scary is, people follow him and listen to him.
There are special corners of hell for people like him
I was just so horrified at hearing this. It is every parents nightmare. I can't imagine how those surviving kids and all of the families are going to cope with all the bullshit that follows this sort of tragedy.
We discuss him and his crazy antics over elsewhere. He's just one fucking nutjob. Even his son disowns him.
Him having his opinions I can get, but how the hell does he have a church full of people running with his wacko routine? I swear some folks really need a license to hav ekids, and all theirs need to be revoked.
I didn't think that rat bastard could top his own show of stupidity.
I stand corrected.
I visited this very strange cult's website and have read other reports including one interview with one of Phelps' estranged children. The only people "worshipping" at his place are his own family members. In fact, I would seriously doubt that visitors would even be welcome at that place, and this is a good thing. Lord knows I would not want to stumble upon something as sinister as this gang.
Doesnt anyone know a Mob member who can pull a Jimmy Hoffa on this guy?
Sorry this is a blast from the past, I'm catching up on posts I missed while my finger was kaput.
Anyhow, the other commenters have pretty much summed up my feelings about this weird bunch. But, I went to the link you gave for the interview with the crazy woman, and I have honestly never felt more like punching someone in my life. She has got to be the most crass, self centred and unfeeling person I have ever have ever come across. She and her gang of fanatics may believe they are Gods chosen people but, I have a feeling they are very much mistaken.
I never cease to be baffled by self-righteous assholes who declare that whatever shitty thing happens in the world is God having smote the sinful - what a crock of shit! I suspect God disapproves of being "spoken for" by such imbeciles.
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