That's what I've been asking myself for the last day after reading about the verdict in the Vincent "Don Vito" Margera trial.
On Wednesday, Margera, 51, whose claim to fame is from the MTV show Viva La Bam (about his nephew Bam Margera) was found guilty of groping two underage girls (12 and 14 years old---and not the women pictured) at an autograph signing at a Colorado skate park.
"Big Boob," he said to the 12-year-old.
His attorney claimed that, "her client may have been obnoxious and vulgar but said he was acting according to the character that his fans loved and expected to see."
Oookay. I don't know on what planet I'd "love and expect" to see a slovenly old creep grab little girl titties, but maybe that's just me.
He's also charged with 12 counts in breaking conditions of his bail, which will be heard in court in December. 12 counts? Wonder what he did? Offer a 10-year old a bite of his salami sandwich?

After the verdicts were read, Margera threw himself on the floor and flailed around, knocking down his attorney in the process.
"Jesus! I can't spend the rest of my f------ life in jail! Just f------ kill me now!"
"I can't stand up! My legs! My legs! I can't move," he yelled as deputies tried to calm and subdue him.
"I didn't f------ do nothing. You can rot in f------ hell!"
"I can't move. I can't move," he shouted as deputies surrounded him and the astonished jury looked on.
"I can't get up!" Margera said. "My legs are broke! Help me. Help me!"
It took four deputies to carry him out of the courtroom. All the evidence that was left of the scuffle was a lonely little Hershey bar on the floor.
At the initial incident:
"When two female police officers arrived at the mall parking lot to arrest him, Margera called them "psycho lesbian b------" and thought he was being "punked."
During the arrest, Margera claimed his arm had been broken, prompting a visit to an emergency room. He was cleared and taken back to the police station, only to be returned to the emergency room when he complained he couldn't breathe and was having a heart attack."
I've never seen the TV show that he was on---in fact my original interest was piqued when the incident occurred simply because it happened in the neighborhood where I grew up---but it makes a person wonder.
Is that guy so clueless and histrionic in real life? Was the whole incident a part of his "schtick"? In a world where 4-year-olds get suspended from school for kissing other 4-year-olds, did he think that it was ok for his "character" to grab the breasts, butts and thighs of young girls?
Stupid or creepy, take your pick, I guess. His family must be so proud.
BLEEEEEAH! EWEWEW! He looks like Rodney Dangerfield crossed with LArry Flynt!
It's my understand (however limited) that child molesters are not kindly treated in jail. Perhaps he has justifiable cause to have a tantrum.
Toss his ass UNDER the jail!
silly twat. serves him right
Hi Attila,
Apparently Vincent Margera doesn’t have too much respect for women or for himself. His courtroom antics sound similar to the theatrical performances of a lot of other media whores. No doubt he’s a perverted dirty old man (middle-aged) who’s using his MTV show as a cover for his licentious behavior. Hopefully while he’s cooling his heels in the cooler, he’ll be given some psychological help, and learn a few rules of etiquette. Better still, maybe some of his “roommates” will offer him a bite of their salami sandwich and he can get a taste of his own medicine…
Where’s Lorena Bobbitt??
I've seen bits of the show once and thought they were all a bunch of stupid asses. I think his family must be pround in fact, they seemed the type!
Sad that our society is "enjoying" creeps like that, act or not it is simply bad taste!
Now that is a dirty old man.
Yikes he's a creepy looking guy!! He more than deserves the award for steaming bowl of stupid!! And I agree with the above poster....toss him under the jail!!
Just for his stuipidity and tantrum he should spend the rest of his life in jail!! total idiot... His whole family seems classless...
He certainly is 10 kinds of messed up. I do watch Viva La Bam. It's funny. But I usually flipped channels when he was on. Smarmy McSmarm Smarm. Ew.
We get to pick?
I'm going with stupid and creepy.
Main Entry: creepy
Part of Speech: adjective
Definition: scary
Synonyms: awful, direful, disgusting, disturbing, dreadful, eerie, frightening, ghoulish, gruesome, hair-raising, horrible, itching, itchy, macabre, menacing, nasty, nightmarish, ominous, shuddersome, sinister, terrifying, threatening, unpleasant, weird
I think these all apply.
Sadly, Boy 1 has watched that show. It's horrendous. As awful as his behavior is, what were the parents thinking bringing their young kids to see him? And get his autograph no less?
Really, the only thing he should be famous for is how very low and degrading some people are willing to go for money, and there are plenty of examples of that without actually going to see him.
Um, stepping off my soap box now...
Just not right....
Actually, I enjoyed the show "Jackass" which is where it all began, but Viva La Bam didn't do much for me. I don't know what the difference was.
This doesn't seem out of character for this idiot.
TOTALLY deserves the bowl of stupid.
Is it so wrong that I can't stop laughing my ass off?
Not because of what he did but because of what a stupid ass he is?
And you said old neighborhood... I grew up around there also!
Watched the show exactly once. Creep is not EVEN going to cover it. Neither is leecherous creep, and Dirty old man gets close to it.
2 to the back of the head would make the world a safer place in my opinion.
I'm with Beth--stupid AND creepy.
I saw only one episode of this show on MTV and I instantly knew: I didn't want to meet this man without my bodyguard. So I have to ask: why were the little girls alone with such a disgusting, raunchy, dirty old man?
He is just way too creepy.
So much for his fifteen minutes of fame...too bad there are like 8 gazillion freaky pieces of trash waiting to take his place.
2 words. General population.
proud indeed..heh... Glad to see ya post.. I've missed ya.
Can you imagine the Christmas holidays with that creep?
Can you imagine what his family must endure being related to him and his 'schtick'???
stupid ass, just like the whole show that spawned him ... hes like an ignorant drunk moron....
its the only thing that can possibly explain any of his behavior
attila if you watched an episode of viva la bam i have a feeling you'd be posting on it multiple times in a week.
"don vito" is just the beginning of this "real life" television show.
I'm shocked, SHOCKED! that a reality tv show star would do something stupid and land in prison. I can't believe it.
that margera guy is obviously a colossal dirtbag, and not much of a man, at that. Ew. Lock him up and throw away the key.
Pretty damn gross.
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