But whew! It's done. There's only about 3 weeks left of school, and the last big hurdle will be finals. I can't even complain about Ms. Bigmouth that much. The professor realized a couple of classes ago that we weren't even half-way through our objectives and has been hurtling through the material. When she tries to stick her 27 cents in, he shuts her down pretty effectively. She's been reduced to trying to correct his Latin two or three times a class. Ex-partay, anyone?
So while I've been feeling like a big crybaby, an article caught my eye this week.
It's from The People's Republic of Boulder. If you aren't from Colorado, that reference will probably fly over your head, unless you watch South Park. No, it's not the one about gay cowboys eating pudding. ;-)
Anyway, the Boulder Valley school district has decided that starting in 2010, there will be no more high school valedictorians. There were too many complaints from the non-winners (or I suspect, their parents). They've decided that recognizing high achievement (like class rankings) fosters "unhealthy competition".
Ok, fer pete's sakes, "unhealthy competition" is Tegwin, Zaq, and Hunter pulling their pants down and competing to see who can light the biggest fart. And filming their heinie explosions to send to Jackass.
"Unhealthy competition" is Madyson, Irelynd, and Dilyn keeping a book to have a record in a contest of "who can blow the most players on the football team" (this actually happened in our little burg several years ago).
How are our kids going to learn to compete in a global society if Mumsy and Daddy insist that "everybody" has to be the winner? And what's the point of buckling down and doing well if your hard work is going to be unrecognized?
I hate people like this. What about recognizing the kids who worked hard, did ALL their classwork and homework and had parents who gave a shit about their education? Don't they deserve to be recognized for that? Fucking idiots.
I'm sorry but that is fucking ridiculous. High school is tough--And those who make it through with hard work deserve the credit.
And I so know what you mean about school--I have been a paper writing fiend here lately!
miss you.
Hi Attila,
By eliminating high school valedictorians, The Boulder Valley School District apparently wants to drag all the students down to the same common denominator; California has been doing this for years. No one student should excel or outshine his or her classmates for the better good of the group. Doesn’t this “equality among students” strike you as a step towards socialism?
I wonder if the parents who push their children to be overachievers from pre-school through grade 12 in hopes their kids will matriculate into a prestigious university or college will agree with this cockamamie idea. This concept seems to go along with the universities that no longer issue grades but allow the collegians to “pass/fail” their courses. Does that mean that the student did outstanding “A” work or merely exerted a lazy slipshod effort barely worthy of a “D”?
It’s going to be a rude awakening for these kids when they discover that in the “real world” the majority of people are striving to be on top and those that exhibit little or no effort will be rewarded accordingly.
I’m glad Ms. Bigmouth is no longer disrupting the class. Hang in; three more weeks and you’ll be through…until next semester!
I sure hope someone with some sense steps in and stops those goof balls! My oldest daughter worked her hind end off to earn the valedictorian honor and it IS an honor after 4 years of hard work!
That's just ridiculous!
...but I bet it'll get passed... :(
This crap is just too much for my old curmudgeonly ass. I was taught from an early age that it is far, far better to win than to get your ass handed to you. I really can't understand it. And when I talk to my Baby Boy, the high school football coach about it, he just sadly shakes his head and says "I know Pop. I know. Society will regret this bullshit some day."
Suprised you head didnt explode fromteh work load!
Yeah....schools suck. COmpetition is healthy...because when they get out of school....there is no one to protect them then....
It's sick to realise that are levelling from the bottom instead of doing it from the top... Sad, very sad! Just happy not to have to raise kids in today's world, that's for sure!
Life is hard and kids should learn that young, ie, in school... This overprotecting crap is just that, crap!
That is ridiculous - I guess we better ban sports because we don't want the losing team to feel bad!
As a teacher, I am seeing more and more of this molly coddling from parents...it is so exasperating. I worry about how this next generation is going to be able to cope without mom and dad there to hold their hands. How they are going to be able to take criticism and deal with competition without a steady dose of accolades and applause.
Damn hippies. Some of these decisions are just so moronic it's just ridiculous.
Couldnt agree more!
Wow, that really is just truly unbelievable and ashame for those who truly deserve such an honor.
Uhm... that's *ucking retarded.
A-MEN Sister!
This attitude is trying to spill over into the university system, with parents doing the papers, and calling the professor when Madyson doesn't get the grade she so richly deserves.
I heard about this....what a bunch of whiny babies! If you want your child to be a valedictorian.....encourage them to get good grades! The really sad thing is that this will hurt those who deserve the honor in their hunt for a scholarship, as being a V is a prerequesite for many!
This "everybody is a winner" mentality really gets on my nerves!
Guess what....you can't win at everything....GET OVER IT!
I hear ya! It could also be that the valedictorians were the kiddies of influential parents on the school board. That happens too.
"Unhealthy competiton" ? Just wait 'till they get out into the real world. gak!
Well put - and you are so right.
A pox on whining parents and kids!
(good luck on your finals...)
no more valedictorians? What a load of horse shit. Why should there EVER be any incentive to excel? WHy not just be a collection of losers and mediocrities, so no one feels inferior? Ass-backwards!
Good luck on your finals!
You know, we have a place here we call "The People's Republic Of Arcata". So, I'm familiar with the term.
As usual, the idea of making kids "conform" and "go along" is turning the world gray.
Heaven forbid they be "different" i.e. smarter, better, faster, weirder....
Let's face it. The new world order is "Look like everyone else. Talk like everyone else. Otherwise, we'll sue."
Jesus, what a crock of shit. Just wait until Mommy's little babies go out into the real world and get their asses handed to them by hungrier and more motivated people in the work place. And, is there sports in this high school, after all doesn't that too foster that evil "competition?"
Oh, and Atillia I linked to this with scathing comment.
I've been lobbying my City counsel for years to coat our burg in cotton balls. What if someone stumbles?
Happy thanksgiving
Hi Attila,
Happy Thanksgiving!!
Maybe because I'll never be a parent...
But I only see rankings as a bad thing, whether for intellect or athletic achievement when the *low* numbers get banner headlines in the student newspaper....academic achievement should be ranked, should be celebrated...
One of those questions I'd like to ask any and all gods that might be listening...
*When* did it become a crime to be smart????
The kids all know anyway, who is smartest who is most athletic etc etc etc. They don't need a trophy for everyone to know.
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