I don't know what horrifies me more, the parents who requested this, or the doctors who agreed to do it.
The below article, Should Severely Disabled Kids be Kept Small?, reports on parents who felt that caring for their profoundly disabled 6-year-old at home would become too demanding, especially once she began having her periods, so they had a hysterectomy performed and have put her on hormones to inhibit her full growth.
The authors of the report, which was published in a medical journal this month, feel that growth arresting therapy can be "both ethical and feasible and should be an option available to parents."
I think the parents and doctors need a lobotomy over that one. I see their point, in that horrified understanding way, but still.....its creepy in that mad scientist way....
It sounds to me like these parents and doctors already HAD a lobotomy to have come up with something this intrusive on the rights of someone unable to speak for themselves.
I think this comment on the message board says it all:
"I find this offensive if not perverse. Truly a milestone in our convenience minded society."
You've got to be f#@king kidding me.
"...feel that growth arresting therapy can be "both ethical and feasible and should be an option available to parents.""
Good grief...can we get a group WTF????? This is just insane and bizarre....it's just a small step away from....never mind...can't go there!!
That is insane!
It makes me feel sick.
WTF is right!!!! That is just plain disgusting!!!
Gah... I definitely need to get some Listerine to rinse the taste of that story out of my mouth.
I wonder if they're planning to keep her in a doghouse in the back yard, too... and take her to the kennel when they go out of town...
That's the most awful thing I've heard in a long time. No wait...that guy who circumcised his 2 year old daughter was pretty awful too.
What is this world coming to?!??!
OMFG! WTF! I think they are equally fucked up in the mind... The parents AND the doctors...
how bizarre...
making disabled kids in to eunuchs. that's wierd.
--RC of strangeculture.blogspot.com
It's like something from a Margaret Atwood novel! It's perverse.
Caught me at a vulnerable moment.
I cried when I read it.
There are times when you feel that there is no control over an insane world
Sad. Makes me sad to think about it. Ugh.
Oh my gosh!!!! Where do you find this stuff? I understand why it wouldn't be pleasant to deal with periods, etc., but she's not a cat! How can they even consider something like that? Maybe it's a "have to be in their shoes" kind of thing. But man...that seems horrific.
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