You might remember Danny Vu when I wrote him up as Asshat of the Week. He's the guy who tried to sell his toddler daughter to a customer in his nail salon for $7000. Why? He needed some money to fix up his home.
Turns out he tried to do it before.
After his arrest, another client came forward and reported that Vu had offered her his daughter for $10,000. Vu faces trial in January.
Since there's been a lot of anti-adoption brouhaha of the "Natural Family or No Family at All" type going around on some of the adoption blogs lately, what I want to know is:
Is there NEVER an instance where adoption is an appropriate solution for a kid?
You'd think trying to sell your child for cash would rank somewhere on the top ten I Really REALLY Don't Want to be a Parent list.
As much as I am working through my shit as having been adopted.
I am .....PRO ADOPTION.... I think adoption is a fabulous option. I think there are many many many people that have had wonderful lives because of adoption.
I just know there are HUGE gaping holes in the system ( or were when I was little) that let kids down and in many ways ruined what could have been wonderfull childhood years.
I have a cousin and his wife that just this past year adopted a little boy. They did not adopt a baby, he was already 6 years old. He is what is termed globally challenged.. meaning that he is developmentally delayed in almost every aspect of development....in some way...from speech, potty training, learning abilities, physical abilities etc etc.
When I spoke to my adoptive mother not too long ago...I had mentioned that I went to visit them and met their little fella, who by the way is absolutely adorable and I could see why they are in love with him.
She said to me..."why in the world would they choose to adopt a child like that ?????"
I was fucking mad...because adoption should not be about the parents....as far as I am concerned it should be about the CHILD.
My adoptive mother of course would have never understood this concept in a million years so I just dropped the topic.
There are fabulous wonderfull people out there that know it is not about themselves and that it is all about the child and they also know that...when they do things for the right reasons...they will be rewarded a million times over just for living the experience.
( and that was my short version from long winded quinn.) LOL>
How crazy!!
I would like to say for the record that I am completely pro adoption. I know that it doesn't always go well, but "natural families" don't always go well....especially the ones who try to sell their kids! My cousin has an adopted child....and trust me, she is much happier in their loving family than in the one she was born in-the family that left her alone in a hotel room for the day when she was a baby while they went off to score some drugs.
Adoption is great, but much like Quinn said, there are serious loopholes and other crap involved.
Friend of mine quinn, adpoted a crack baby, one who also needed open heart surgery. Kids a bit delayed, but a very happy baby. Now.
But the court trials they had to go through....ugh. That and here's a hint to all those folks that want to adopt: Do NOT do so in California....its a nightmare...
we'll glady take one...gladly. we don't care what color, what sex, what age, we don't care. we have a really good home and want to share it with some less than fortunate children.
and this asshat? amazing.
So what the fuck made him decide to drop the price 3,000?
But in any case, you are SO right. The word "parent" is n/a for people like this...
Sheesh indeed...
Oh my goodness! That is horrifying.
I'm Pro Adoption as my dad was adopted and without my Nana and Grandad he probably would have been left behind as they thought there was something mentally wrong with him. It turned out he was just slightly deaf. God bless my Nana and Grandad for taking a chance on him.
I'm sure that Madonna would pay more than $7000. She might not be interested in this baby though because Africa is 'in' this season.
seriously. he brings new meaning to the word "asshat". god. some people really shouldn't be parents. Really.
xox ♥
What a story...It makes me sick..
I am in favour of legal adoption.
I have many friends who were adopted and are adopting as well...
Hello! I agree with Tracie here. Adoption is special because the children are not only loved, they are wanted. And that makes a world of difference. I've linked you.
I think adoption is a good thing, because in most cases (I say most, because there's always exceptions!) the people who adopt want to be a parent!
That man should have his balls cut off just to be sure that he doesn't spread his genes around...
There've been a few times when I've considered selling my kids on eBay but I've never gone through with it.
I'm not anti-adoption--just anti-stupid-people-being-allowed-to-breed-in-the-first-place!
I don't think people should be forced to parent if that's not what they want to do. But I do think there should be more checks to make sure the adoptee is going into a safe and healthy family.
I'm not anti-adoption by any stretch of the imagination but I am seriously PRO adoption reform. As you are Atilla. Sadly, not everyone understands the difference.
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