How about with Lisa Marie Presley. She's suing the Daily Mail for calling her fat thereby "forcing" her to announce her pregnancy sooner than she wanted to (she's due next fall).
Oh please. You're a public figure by choice, so not going to get a lot of sympathy here. You announced on TV that you had sex with Michael Jackson ferpete'ssakes, and THIS bothers you? Heh. You can't chase the dragon known as fame and cry when it turns on you.

The next eyeroll goes to Dr."Do As I Say, Not As I Do" Laura. She says that because Mrs. Spitzer wasn't willing to dress up like Miss Trunchbowl in Nazi boots and spank the Luv Guv with the BIG hairbrush, his $80,000 ho habit is her fault.
Ok, I made up the stuff about the big hairbrush. But Dr. Laura says Mrs. Spitzer doesn't "validate him" enough. Yeah. Validate this, you lying, cheating peckerwood.
Ok, I made up the stuff about the big hairbrush. But Dr. Laura says Mrs. Spitzer doesn't "validate him" enough. Yeah. Validate this, you lying, cheating peckerwood.
Considering what a big crappy mess Dr. Laura has turned out to be as a wife, mother, daughter and talk show host, does anyone even listen to her any more?
I don't know which deserves a bigger eyeball roll....that MSNBC is quoting the National Enquirer as a news source or that the Enquirer is reporting that Star Jones is dumping her husband. Like nobody ever saw THAT coming.....
I don't know which deserves a bigger eyeball roll....that MSNBC is quoting the National Enquirer as a news source or that the Enquirer is reporting that Star Jones is dumping her husband. Like nobody ever saw THAT coming.....
What's got YOUR eyeballs rolling this week?
I hate Dr. Laura, so I pay her no mind, but I had heard her remark from a friend and DID roll my eyes at it. I'm rolling my eyes at the states crying foul that their rescheduled caucuses don't count. Too bad, so sad is what I say!
I roll my eyes on a daily basis cause it amazes the hell outta me that Tinsel Town dudes and dudettes get more time on the News than most anything of real importance in our great country.
Hi Attila,
Maybe Lisa Marie Presley should place aluminum foil over the windows (ala her father) in an attempt to keep the paparazzi from taking photos and commenting about her. It reminds me of Jacqueline Kennedy Onassis wanting attention from the press on HER terms only.
Years ago I was an avid listener of Dr. Laura Schlessinger. As the story leaked out about her abysmal relationship with her mother and her 21-year old Afghanistan-solider son Deryk’s bazaar behavior, I realized she was a complete hypocrite. She clawed, backstabbed and slept her way into her highly rated radio show, proclaiming herself to be a doctor, though the doctorate is in physiology. She needs to clean up her own backyard and quit dissing the world. I’d also be interested to know if anyone listens to her anymore.
I didn't know that about Elvis and foil. I did a post on that when I started my blog. Anyway, I found your blog last night and quickly added you to my favorites. I heard on and entertainment show that Hollywood men are "flocking" hair on their heads. Eeww! First they spray on glue and then the hair. I think that would itch! What's wrong with being bald? I'm not a fan of fake Hollywood people. That's just me!
Whats got my eyeballs rolling? I wouldnt know where to start!!
What got my eyeballs rolling? Today I received a Victoria's Secret catalogue in the mail! WTH???
it doesn't get any more ridiculous than that.
and i can't even begin to comment on the dr. laura thing.
-rolls eyes-
Happy St. Patrick's Day ATM!
Drink some green beer ;]
My eyes rolling...hmmmm I really don't know yet this morning you'll have to give me some time, but yours are some I hadn't heard....I didn't know Dr. Laura was still around interesting...
I gotta ask, is Lisa Marie carrying this baby in her chins?
See, I just need to come here to be informed of the news of the day....
THANKYOU!!!! I was so annoyed at Lisa Marie. Give me a break. For any of us that remember that flippin coming out special with her and Michael Jackson telling us they do indeed have sex. ew. I wouldn't think she could get more embarrased than that!
The guvnah alone is responsible for his bad behavior.
I guess Star finally figured out her husband was gay.
So the new gubner and his betrothed confessed to infidelities as well.
Am I the only one who is not sleeping with hookers?
UGH!!!! Dr. Laura. *sigh*
What has my eyeballs rolling this week?
You, as usual.
NOTE TO ONEEAR: I didn't know John Lee Hooker sleeps around. See, that's how rumors start.
Thanks for my news update.
I roll my eyes every day from the comments I get on the street about me being blind and all
I can't stand Dr. Laura. I have always hated her advice to people, which seemed more hurtful and damaging than helpful...when I heard her latest remarks....I did a huge eye roll (and said a few choice remarks). She just makes me sick. Period.
Most of my other eye rolling experiences happen at work. But I won't go there now. I get so frustrated with people telling their kids to lie. kids are not goood at lying and they shouldn't be. Grrrr.
Looking at that picture of Lisa Marie I would have also said that she was/is putting on the pounds, and wouldn't necessarily think she's prego... She's following her dad's footsteps, that's for sure. Sad in a way.
Star Jones, that's one big eyeballs roll as well as the weatherman announcing more snow... please, no more!!
I can't stand Star Jones, I can't stand Lisa Marie more and Dr. Laura is a Nazi cow. I think I've said enough. ;)
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