Monday, May 07, 2012

Just Wondering...

You know how some TV commercials just bug the crap outta me.  The latest to make me grind my teeth is the one for

Their slogan?  "Find God's match for you!"

How would they know it's God's match?  How would they presume to know His plan?

What if you're single because He thinks you're an asshole?

Just wondering....


Jeanie said...

The same thoughts have crossed my mind when I hear those commercials, just not quite as eloquently.

Beth said...

I figure Satan and his (asshole) minions would probably infiltrate that dating site, too!

Anonymous said...

Yeah, the skeptic in me wonders if God appreciates his name being used to endorse such a service...

Heather said...

OMG...funny. Thanks! I needed a good laugh this morning.

Kim Ayres said...

Sweet :)

Nezzy (Cow Patty Surprise) said...

Now if that's not a load to ponder? Heeehehehe!

I can't tell ya how many times I've asked myself the same question.

Ya crack me up girl!

God bless ya and have yourself the most beautiful day sweetie!!!

Joanna Jenkins said...

First, I still have tears running down my face from your last post and now this.... I LOVE your sense of humor.
xoxxo jj

Joe said...

I too wonder the same thing you do about this. Of course the Bibble Beaters will say that the service is God's way of finding you His match. Since I'm 0-3 at marriage, maybe I should try it, :)

Rootietoot said...

It seems to me if you believe God's Will for your life, then God will put the person He wants for you in your life without requiring you to pay a fee to a matchmaking service. So yeah, I agree with you.

I'm irritated by that ad where the guy says "There's nothing worse than having to stand in line at the Post Office." REALLY? It's worse than cancer, or losing a child, or a tornado blowing up your house? We've made a sport now out of coming up with things worse than standing in line.

Beth said...

Wishing you a “feel no pain” Happy Mother’s Day!

Chris H said...

Sounds like a stupid commercial to me.