I'm not writing this as a political statement, because I'd be awarding it to anyone who was this arrogant in the blatant spending of my money.
Last year, Judicial Watch uncovered Ms. Pelosi's use of our Air Force as her own personal air taxi service for herself, her staff, her family and guests---sticking us with her bill of over 2 million dollars. This week, Judicial watch has obtained the documents under the FOIA from the Air Force detailing these expenditures and published them online.
Now I can understand the use of the Air Force on international flights where safety is an issue. As long as family members and non-essential to the mission guests pay their own market-value fare.
But on domestic flights? Bullpucky. Over 28k per flight to travel back and forth to her district? 31 trips that included her family?
Our domestic airline industry is facing troubles much like many businesses in these times. With the hundreds of flights that criss-cross our country daily, I don't see why Ms. Speaker can't book a flight on one of our own commercial airlines since they're going that way anyway.
Even if she rode first class, with say---a couple of her security personnel (does she get Secret Service protection?) and an assistant, with her staff riding coach like the rest of the great unwashed, it couldn't cost what amounts to a year's salary for many per flight. Her family can ride coach or first class, whatever they choose, because hey---it should be on their dime, not ours.
In addition, Amtrak and Greyhound need the business too. Don't think it would cost 28k to book an entire train car or charter a bus for her entourage either.
And over 100K for food and booze? WTF is up with that? If she's going to glom up military flights, let them eat MREs (Meals Ready to Eat) and bring their own bottles. My ex says those beef stew MREs are pretty tasty. He thinks there is a warehouse somewhere with a gazillion leftovers from the last war. Those things are like spam---they last forever. If they're good enough for our servicepeople, well...in my opinion, Ms. Pelosi and her staff are employed in OUR service. Pack your own lunch or take what we got.
Our country is in an economic crisis, Ms. Pelosi, and I'm not pointing fingers on who helped get us there (koff::bailouts::koff). Everyone has to pull in their belts a little, and as the Speaker of the House, you should be leading by example and not living the life of a rock star on our nickel.
As an end note, speaking of leading by example, I want to give some props to the First Lady.
In the last year I've seen media critics chide Mrs. Obama for not wearing couture all the time and for daring to wear the same outfit twice in public. I congratulate her for being what many of us aspire to be----fit, healthy and great-looking but unpretentious in her dress. She wears realistic clothes for every occasion, just like the rest of us. As a working mom, I want a First Lady I can relate to, and she fits the bill for me. Kudos, Mrs. O!
Thanks to The Right Side News, where I first caught sight of this article.