We are so very fortunate to live within 5 miles of a fantastic camp for people who have developmental disabilities. He's been going every summer for about 7 or 8 years now. Most of the campers come from way away (like different states), and many of us have tried to reserve the same week every year so that our adult kids can meet up with old friends.
This year, Little Guy has decided that he is capable enough to do his own packing, and we strongly encourage any and every act of independence! Armed with a sharpie, he set to work. He took the communal shampoo from the bathroom, his dad's deodorant, his brother's special body wash, and wrote his name on all of it. Then he tried to make off with my hairbrush.
I pointed out that we had new and unused items (not the hairbrush) in the big bathroom closet to help himself to, instead of raiding other people's stuff.
"I'm only going to be gone a week, Mom!"
Then I pointed out that we have a camp list and offered it to him. "I don't need a list!!"
Well, actually, you do. If you show up without stuff you need, they might send you home! Upon check-in, the counselors go through every item with us to make sure everything is accounted for and labeled.
So reluctantly, he took the list.
About 5 minutes later, he came back into the room, with the list in his hand.
"Uh Mom?"
"Do I need a fishing license?"
No. You don't actually fish, you always boat instead. Unless you'd like to try fishing this year?
"No". And he left the room.
5 minutes later he came back.
"Uh Mom?"
"Do I have to get a bra?"
Head smack time! LOL I didn't notice that the list was unisex. At least we got the bra out of the way before he got to the feminine hygiene products! I can only imagine what the counselor would think if Little Guy pulled out a box of my tampons at check-in!