Up in our little mountain burg, we got a Wal-Mart a few years ago. Although many in our town fought it, Wally World had the law on their side, but made concessions so that their building a center wouldn't be tied up for years in court from all the small businesses up here that they would undercut.
Today Big Kid and I had appointments at the Wal-Mart down at the bottom of the mountain to get new glasses and contacts. We couldn't get back to back appointments, so after I had mine and he was waiting for his, I went and sat on a bench outside the eye center (inside the store) to watch the world go by.
Oh golly. The bench was situated right next to one of the entrances.
Do you remember back in the 70's when they had track shorts and roller disco shorts that were one color with a contrasting piping? Like the one pictured above?
This enormous woman who had an enormous ass walked in the store wearing a pair of those shorts.
It's Colorado. In February. We just had a big snowstorm the day before. It was freaking cold.
Before you accuse me of being elitist, let me remind you that I myself am a member of the big butt club. I'm entitled to comment. But if I had a pencil in my purse, I would have poked my own eyes out.
Every step this woman took was like a sack of puppies trying to escape out of each cheek hole. WTF?
It was close to this picture, but add 70 pounds. Gah!

When I got home I made Hubby swear on a stack of bibles that he would hit me over the head with something really heavy and hard if I ever tried to walk out of the house wearing something even remotely as offensive.
Why? Why? Can anyone answer me that?